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All media are invited to reach out to us to access our experts to support your stories, whether long-lead or urgent deadline. We will do our utmost to meet your deadline and provide you with any collateral assets you need to complete your story.

Please contact our media relations team at to set up an interview.

Julia Hanigsberg smiling and sitting in her office. She is wearing a blue blazer and her green Holland Bloorview staff lanyard.
President and CEO, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
​​​​​​​corporate culture, pediatric disability advocacy, women in leadership
Sandra Hawken
President and CEO, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
not-for-profit, pediatric disability advocacy, philanthropy
Clinical Care
Cara Sudoma
Infection Prevention and Control Lead
infection prevention and control, patient safety
Dagmara Urbanowicz
Social Worker
mindfulness, mental health, patient wellness
Golda Milo-Manson Vice-President, Medicine and Academic Affairs
Vice-President, Medicine and Academic Affairs
education, medicine, pediatrics
Dr. Peter Rumney
Clinical Team Investigator and Physician Director, Rehab and CCC
acquired brain injury, concussion, innovative therapy modalities
Emily Chan
Social worker, Urgent Response Service
lived experience, child and youth mental health, client and family centered care
Gabriella Carafa
Clinical Risk Specialist, Quality, Safety and Performance
disability and sexuality, clinical risk, transitioning to adult services, parenting
Irene Andress
Vice-President, Programs & Services and Chief Nursing Executive (CNE)
nursing/interprofessional practice, workplace wellness, health human resource sustainability
Katherine Schnurr
Certified child life specialist
Coping strategies, mental health, trauma-informed care
Kathryn Decker
Director, Extensive Needs Service
occupational therapy, mental health, trauma-informed care, interventions for children with complex behaviours
Meghan Toswell
Social Worker
patient family advocacy, lived experience (sibling), mental health
Nathan Ho
Director, Pharmacy Services
clinical drug trials, medication safety, medication therapy
Rageen Rajendram
Developmental Pediatrician, Child Development Program
autism assessment and diagnosis; social accountability in health care; restrictive eating disorders
Salma Kassam
Occupational Therapist
occupational therapy, brain injury, fine motor skills/development, cognitive impairment/executive functions impairment
Zachary Smith
Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst
behavioural assessment, skill acquisition, caregiver coaching and education
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Dr. De-Lawrence Lamptey
EMBARK (Empowering Black Academics, Researchers and Knowledge creators) Scientist
intersectionality of childhood disability and racial identity/ethnicity
Joanne Maxwell
Vice president, experience, transformation and social accountability (ETSA)
social accountability; health equity; client and family experience; quality & safety
Lorraine Thomas
Interim Manager of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility
diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion, health literacy
Music and Arts
Andrea Lamont
Music Therapist and Music Coordinator, Music and Arts
music therapy
Shannon Crossman
Program Coordinator, Arts, Music and Arts, Artist
inclusive arts-based programming
Participation and Inclusion
Carolyn McDougall
Occupational Therapist & Project Lead - Employment, Transitions Strategy
transitioning to adulthood - employment
Clinical Bioethicist and the Manager, Youth Engagement Strategy
ethics, research ethics, youth engagement
Kristen English
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
adapted sport & recreation, health promotion
Sarah Nauman
Principal, Bloorview School Authority
education, disability, inclusion
Patient and Family Centred Care
Jean Hammond
Family Partnerships Specialist
patient family advocacy, lived experience (mother), caregiver support
Amy McPherson
Senior Scientist
healthy lifestyles, weight-related communications, sexuality in healthcare
Dr. Azadeh Kushki
Senior Scientist and Associate Chief of Data Science
autism and technology
Dr. Danielle Baribeau, clinician scientist and child psychiatrist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Clinician Scientist; Psychiatrist
autism and mental health, developmental genetics
Dr. Darcy Fehlings
Senior Clinician Scientist; Developmental Pediatrician
cerebral palsy
Elaine Biddiss
Senior Scientist, Associate Chief in Faculty and IDEAA Advancement and Bloorview Childrens Hospital Foundation Chair in Pediatric Rehabilitation
tech-based therapies, activities
Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou
Vice President of Research and Director of the Bloorview Research Institute; Child Neurologist; Canada Research Chair in Translational Therapeutics in Autism (Tier II); Dr. Stuart D. Sims Chair in Autism
Neurodevelopmental conditions, autism; genes, brain function, clinical trials, medications
Dr. Jessica Brian, senior clinician scientist, Autism Research Centre
Senior clinician scientist; Psychologist
autism - early development and psychosocial intervention
Kevin Chung
MRI Charge Technologist
MRI technology, medical imaging, radiography
Dr. Melanie Penner-Senior Clinician Scientist and Developmental Paediatrician
Senior Clinician Scientist and Developmental Pediatrician; Bloorview Childrens Hospital Foundation (BCHF) Research Chair in Developmental Pediatrics
autism - diagnosis and service delivery
Dr. Sally Lindsay, senior scientist, TRAIL Lab
Senior Scientist
experiences of poverty among people with disabilities, accessible and affordable housing for people with disabilities
Picture of Dr. Shannon Scratch - A Clinician Scientist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Clinician Scientist; Clinical Neuropsychologist; Holland Family Professorship in Acquired Brain Injury
acquired brain injury, concussion
Susannah Van Damme
Occupational therapist and team lead, clinical brain computer interface program
pediatric brain computer interface clinic program
Timothy Ross
inclusive play, transportation
Tom Chau
Distinguished Senior Scientist; Raymond Chang Foundation Chair in Access Innovations
childhood disability research

For media inquiries between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, please contact:

Media Relations Team
Mailing address

Holland Bloorview Kids
Rehabilitation Hospital
150 Kilgour Road
Toronto ON M4G 1R8