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Welcome to ASD FEED-Ed Research

Here we will present results of our feeding research studies completed at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.

Learning to Eat at Home: Delivery of a Multidisciplinary Telehealth Intervention to Address Food Selectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder

This video is a summary of our research findings of Project LEAH - Learning to Eat at Home. Here we assessed and provided feeding specific intervention virtually to autistic children with feeding challenges.


Sharon Smile, MSc MBBS DM(Paeds), Christie Raffaele, BASc MSc, Rebecca Perlin, MClSc, Re-imagining the physicians’ role in the assessment of feeding challenges in children with autism spectrum disorder, Paediatrics & Child Health, Volume 26, Issue 2, April-May 2021, Pages e73–e77,

Sharp, W. G., Berry, R. C., McCracken, C., Nuhu, N. N., Marvel, E., Saulnier, C. A., ... & Jaquess, D. L. (2013). Feeding problems and nutrient intake in children with autism spectrum disorders: a meta-analysis and comprehensive review of the literature. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 43(9), 2159-2173.

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