Family Leaders in the news
- Narges Karbasi shares the impact of Holland Bloorview's Spiral Garden camp in this article
- Ivona Novak speaks in this interview about the delays her son has experienced in accessing needed medial services during Covid
- Gunjan Seth speaks about the importance of peer-to-peer mentorship in this interview
- Meredith Sandles speaks about her family's back-to-school experience during Covid in this article
- Cheryl Peters speaks in this article about representing the family perspective on the hospital's pandemic steering committee
- Gunjan Seth's acceptance speech for the 2022 Patient & Family Leadership Award from Children's Healthcare Canada - link coming soon!
- Donna Capelli and her son describe their involvement in the short-film 'Absence' - CTV News interview
- Alifa Khan talks about a recent Autism Research Centre study about the impact of increases in screen time on kids - CP24 News interview
- Gunjan Seth received the 2022 Children’s Healthcare Canada (CHC) Patient and Family Leadership Award.
- Alifa Khan and Gunjan Seth received the 2022 Minister’s Award of Excellence for their co-leadership of a student-led learning environment
- Alifa Khan and Adrienne Zarem received an Honourable Mention for the 2016 Volunteer Champion Award from the Patient Safety Education Program
- Payal Khazanchi receives inaugural Canada-wide MacNaught-Taillon Emerging Patient Leader Bursary