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Annie & David Summer Ward Research Day 2024

Each summer, the Ward Family Summer Student Research Program attracts students from universities from all over Canada to collaborate alongside some of the brightest minds in childhood disability and developmental differences research in the world.

These budding young scientists are embedded in Bloorview Research Institute's research labs such as the Autism Research Centre, the CP Discovery Lab, the Neuromodulation Lab and the PRISM Lab to help researchers unlock a world of possibilities for children and youth with disabilities.

This year we have 17 of the best and brightest undergraduate students who were selected for this prestigious program from over 1,800 applications coast to coast.

The final highlight of the program is the opportunity for these talented students to highlight their research at the 18th annual Annie & David Summer Ward Research Day on Tuesday, July 23rd, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST and compete for the best research poster and best oral presentation.

The event will also be livestreamed over Zoom (link to come).

The Ward Family Summer Student Research Program is made possible through The Ward Family Foundation, Holland Bloorview Foundation donors and the Bloorview Research Institute.  



Event Agenda

To come.

Ward Student Profiles and Research Posters

To come.