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About the Pediatric Rehabilitation Intervention Measure of Engagement – Parent version

The Pediatric Rehabilitation Intervention Measure of Engagement – Parent version (PRIME-P) captures parents’ perspectives on their own engagement in their child’s intervention session, with engagement defined as active involvement and investment (King et al., 2014). The 11-item PRIME-P is a self-report measure that asks parents what they thought, how they felt, and what they did during their child's therapy session and how the session has affected their overall feelings about the intervention process. 

How to access the PRIME-P 

The PRIME-P measure is available for free download through Flintbox, a third-party site. To access the PRIME-P click here, or visit Holland Bloorview’s Flintbox page via the Bloorview Research Institute Innovations List

You will be required to set up a Flintbox account (free of charge) and provide your email address. Flintbox will only use your email to confirm your download.