Holland Bloorview resources
Positive parenting seminars
Positive parenting seminars for parents of children who have a developmental or physical disability. These groups help increase parenting confidence and competence and are run through the Child Development Program and Family Resource Centre. Call 416-425-6220, ext. 6348.
Do you need help navigating the health care system? Are you looking for answers to questions about programs, services and resources related to childhood disability? Call the Holland Bloorview Warmline at 416-424-3888 or 1-877-463-0365.
Grocery Foundation Family Resource Centre
Visit our Family Resource Centre to find information on a variety of parenting and child disability topics, as well as Holland Bloorview programs and services. Our family leadership program trains parent mentors to provide support to other families. The resource centre is located on the first floor, just past main reception. Our goal is that families lead rich lives. Call 416-425-6220 x6348 or email resourcecentre@hollandbloorview.ca.
BLOOM magazine and blog
BLOOM is Holland Bloorview's how-to magazine and blog on parenting children with disabilities. Call 416-424-3866.
Canadian Advocacy Tool Kit for parents, by parents of children with ASD and NDDs
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital has launched the Advocacy Tool Kit for parents of children and youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). The tool kit aims to demonstrate how to apply advocacy skills to different situations throughout early childhood and adolescence through useful tips, links to additional information, list of local resources by provinces across Canada, and many other interactive features.
We encourage all families to view and download the Advocacy Tool Kit.
Parent Voices online parent group
Join an online network of parents to share ideas, news, questions and stories on Facebook. This forum is open to parents of children with disabilities everywhere (you don't have to be a client of Holland Bloorview). Click here to join the Facebook group.
Workshops and family education
Parents can participate in workshops on topics that include education, recreation, respite and how to access funding. Call 416-425-6220, ext. 6348. Email resourcecentre@hollandbloorview.ca to get news and events updates on hospital workshops and events and community resources. To see a list of our yearly workshops, click here.
Parent Support Network
Parent Support Network (PSN) is a monthly support and discussion event for families. PSN aims to create a space where families can share experiences, information, challenges, successes and strategies. At times there are guest speakers who present on various topics and join the discussion. Parent Support Network is always co-facilitated by a Family Support Specialist and a Family Leader. It is open to all families and is not diagnosis-specific. Call 416-425-6220 ext. 6146 or email smoynagh@hollandbloorview.ca for information on Parent Support Network.
Understanding health information Holland Bloorview aims to make health information understandable for clients and families. Learn more about our health literacy program.
Free legal assistance program
Pro Bono Law Ontario and Holland Bloorview have partnered to offer a free onsite legal assistance program for qualifying clients and families.
Tip sheets
External resources
- AbilityOnline - online family networking and support
- Bully Free World - special needs anti-bullying toolkit
- ConnectABILITY - family support groups directory
- Extend-A-Family - supporting inclusion for people with disabilities
- Family Service Toronto - counselling, community development, advocacy and public education programs
- Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders (OAFCCD) - parent fact sheets
- Prevnet - Canadian research on bullying
- The KIT: Keeping It Together - a tool for organizing your child's information
- Triple P: Positive Parenting Program - we run a Triple P seminar series at Holland Bloorview, click here to see if a seminar is currently running
- Young Carers Program- a program for siblings