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Adapted Sports and Recreation Programs

These programs are for clients ages 5-18 (up to 21 if still in high school).

adapted sailing

We recognize how important it is for all children and youth to learn, enjoy and benefit from participation in team sport and meaningful active participation. These programs are for client’s ages 5-18 years (up to 21 if still in high school).

Important: please note all program formats are subject to change at any time due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.

Active Together After School - Video Series

This eight-part series is designed around adapted play, ensuring that kids of all abilities can participate.


Holland Bloorview Programs

Community Programs

Looking for camps, creative programs, respite, life skills programs, sport and active recreation, resource hubs, adaptive and/or sensory equipment in the community? 

CLICK HERE to visit the 2024 Recreation, Respite & Life Skills Fair Resources. Scroll down and click on the various categories to learn more!