BLOOM combines real family stories with the best expert advice, plus the latest news and opinion on disability.

BLOOM combines real family stories with the best expert advice, plus the latest news and opinion on disability.
Read our latest stories, with links to mainstream disability news and shout-outs to people making the world more inclusive.
'The fact that over 40 per cent of parent carers are thinking about suicide is a sign of really high levels of distress.'
The Colin Farrell Foundation will focus on housing, day programs, workforce support and advocacy for people with intellectual disability.
'While some children and families may thrive with intensive intervention, other children may not.'
The brain-computer interface means 'Seth can do something all by himself, without help, just by thinking.'
In a new picture book, young children celebrate their mother's wheelchair as a place to cuddle and go on adventures.
Read our latest stories, with links to mainstream disability news and shout-outs to people making the world more inclusive.
A toddler who came for his first prosthetic leg to Holland Bloorview now makes devices at the hospital.
Laughing Boy is the story of a family's fight to get justice for the preventable death of their autistic son Connor in a National Health Service unit.
Kidunified puzzles include characters who represent different cultures, ethnicities, disabilities and gender expressions.
Virginia Wright volunteered at our rehab hospital as a teen, sparking a 40-year career in physiotherapy and research at Holland Bloorview.
Content in BLOOM is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. The BLOOM blog welcomes comments from readers on issues that affect parents of children with disabilities. All comments require approval to ensure they’re on-topic and respectful. We don’t post comments that attack people or organizations or use profanity or hate speech.
Please drop us a line with your story ideas or comments, or to subscribe to our monthly e-letter! Your feedback is valued!
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
150 Kilgour Road
Toronto, Ontario
M4G 1R8