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Happy National Accessibility Week! Cartoon kids and families on a light blue background.
Celebrating National AccessAbility Week at Holland Bloorview

National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is taking place between May 30 to June 5, 2021, bringing awareness to accessibility and inclusion in our communities, celebrating the contributions of Canadians with disabilities and recognizing the efforts of everyone who worked hard and still working tirelessly to remove every barrier possible to ensure inclusion and equal chance of participation for people with disabilities. 

Everything we do at Holland Bloorview aims to create healthy and meaningful futures for all kids. This includes accessibility and inclusion for kids with disabilities. We are celebrating this year’s theme- Leave No One Behind.

We asked our hospital and foundation leaders to reflect on their passion for creating a more accessible world for the disabled community and the kids and families at our hospital.

“I am very proud of what Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital does to enable children with disabilities and their families to create the lives they want through care, research and innovation.” Says Julia Hanigsberg, President& CEO ,Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, “But that’s not enough. Children with disabilities – and the adults they will become – deserve a rich, inclusive, just world in which they can make their way unimpeded by stigma and discrimination. That’s the world I want to be part of helping to make a reality.”

“An accessible world is a human right and I’m so grateful that our donor community is moved to support Holland Bloorview’s role helping to create this.” says Sandra Hawken, President & CEO, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation. “I am passionate that our donors are true partners beyond their financial contributions by working to make their workplaces and advertising more accessible and inclusive of disability.”

Follow us on all of our social channels this week as we share stories and celebrate National Accessibility Awareness Week at Holland Bloorview.