Answers to 'What can we do?'
By Louise Kinross
BLOOM asked readers to send us ideas for fun activities to do at home during lockdown. Here's what we heard.
Grow some veggies
This article covers how to start vegetable seeds inside. You can buy seedling trays and seeds at Walmart, hardware stores and gardening shops, as well as on Amazon. "My husband has done seedlings with our oldest the last two summers," writes Ruth York McCrea. "It's a nice opportunity for them to have a project that has many phases. And so fun for everyone to watch the progress of their plants. The best part is all the veggies and learning how they grow."
Have a dance party
"They are pretty much the only way to get both my kids moving after dinner," says Alex Leech. Google your favourite songs or try Just Dance if you have a Wii.
Join a drawing club
DrawTogether with WendyMac brings art activities, projects, shows and special guests delivered to your inbox for US$6 a month. Or watch anytime on YouTube.
Watch live wildlife
Explore has 96 live streams. Watch bald eagles, African wildlife and a kitten rescue sanctuary. Sit back and enjoy!
Go for a mini-break in nature
"We grab a mat or blanket and go to any outdoor space to do some deep breathing, stretching and balancing, and talk about 10 things we are thankful for," writes Karen Rezk. "Best 10 minutes of our day. When our attention span runs out, we love to go around and find new growth on trees and plants."
Listen together to some fabulously read audiobooks
The Hobbit, narrated by Andy Serkis, is like theatre for the ears.
Jump in a puddle!
Renée Being suggests "general puddle survival-guide lessons."
More ideas
The Kids at Home program @KidsUpFrontTO "has some awesome ideas for at-home activities updated almost every day!" says Christine Hill.
From Gunjan Seth: "I encourage my son to participate with me in meal preparation and planting some plants. It's not only fun but he also feels empowered, and it boosts his confidence and self-esteem."
From Peel Autism Resource: "We've been focusing on life skills. My child helps me with laundry (great for "heavy work," sorting, matching) and baking (fine motor skills, math). We make banana bread, carrot cake and cookies. I found a recipe for the Panera Kitchen Sink cookie which is great, so we make our own now.
rEcess goes virtual: If you're in Toronto, you probably know about the volunteer-run respite program called rEcess. It's now providing a free weekly online program for children with disabilities and their siblings. Yoga, Tai Kwan Do, Drum Circle and Dance Around the World are some of the options. To learn more, register at Heartstone Ministries.
Recreational Respite offers a variety of paid virtual workshops that cover things like pet ownership, financial literacy and a global citizen series.