Cara Sudoma
Cara Sudoma is the infection prevention and control lead at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. A registered nurse with over 30 years of experience, Cara has been at Holland Bloorview for the past 35 years with roles that include being a staff nurse on the inpatient rehabilitation unit, a registered nurse for the Day Patient Program, and risk manager and infection control practitioner. With over 20 years of experience as Holland Bloorview’s infection control practitioner, Cara has been a strong advocate for several patient safety initiatives. She has developed, communicated and implemented key strategies that have improved infection control and patient safety practices at Holland Bloorview.
Cara is a member of Toronto Practitioners in Infection Control (TPIC) and the Pediatric and Neonatal Interest group of IPAC-Canada. Cara has her Certification in Infection Control (CIC) and a Masters Public Health from the University of Waterloo.
Media Expertise
infection prevention and control, patient safety