POND-Network: Province of Ontario Neurodevelopmental Disorders Network (Typically developing)
Characterizing Autism
We are collecting information to help in our understanding of how genes, brain and bodies are different if a person has a neurodevelopmental disorder or is typically developing. We need to recruit typically developing children to participate in the study as control subjects.
Evdokia Anagnostou, MD, Jessica Brian, PhD
Participate in this study
Are you interested in science and research? Do you want to help scientists understand Autism and other Neurodevelopmental Disorders?
Who can participate
We are looking for Typically Developing/Control Children:
- between 2 and 21 years old
- born after 35 weeks of pregnancy
- not diagnosed with a developmental, psychiatric or neurological disorder
What's Involved
We ask participants to:
- provide a genetic sample (blood draw or spit kit and cheek swab)
- complete some assessments
- parents complete questionnaires and an interview
In addition you have an opportunity to do an MRI brain scan at SickKids and will receive a picture of their brain!
Assessments and questionnaires will take between 3-4hrs of your time and we can accommodate morning, day or evenings appointments – whatever is easiest for you!
What are the benefits of participating?
- Participants will receive a $20.00 gift certificate upon completion of the study
- You can also receive volunteer hours for school.
- Parking or TTC costs will also be reimbursed.
- Your involvement will help doctors come up with better ways to help people with disorders who may want treatment.
Interested in participating
For more information about these studies and to see if you are eligible, please contact Elim Chan at 416-425-6220 x 3335 or elim.chan@hollandbloorview.ca