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Here are some tips on how to make the most of your experience when your sibling is an inpatient.

  • You are part of your sibling’s care team and your contributions matter!
  • Your sibling might feel lonely in this new environment, so think of fun activities you can do together. Examples: Board games, movies, or going for walks.
  • Take advantage of therapeutic recreation to spend time with your sibling outside of the hospital room. Examples: Pet night, movie night, or inpatient swimming.
  • Help your sibling decorate his/her room with pictures, posters, and arts & crafts.
  • Talk to your sibling about his/her progress. Even on difficult days, there is always something he/she is succeeding at!
  • Sometimes you might feel overwhelmed; it’s always good to talk to someone about how you feel (like other siblings or your parents).
Computer and Internet access


  • The 3rd floor Family Lounge has a computer available 24 hours a day
  • The Grocery Foundation Family Resource Centre on the 1st floor has computers available Monday–Friday. Please check the hours outside of the Family Resource Centre!
  • WIFI password: hollandbloorview
  • Please use headphones when watching/listening to something in the room if someone is sleeping.

Burger and drink

  • Garden Grill Café and Tim Hortons (1st floor) are open Monday–Friday. Please check the hours outside of the cafeteria!
  • Vending machines are on the 1st and 3rd floors by the main elevators
  • You can always try ordering from UberEats, DoorDash or Ritual (if you can pick it up!)

Do you have a suggestion or resource for this tipsheet? We always welcome new ideas.
Let us know at

This list was created by a Family Leader and sibling Hanae Davis. It was last updated by a Family Support Specialist in July 2023.