I have been volunteering in the therapeutic playroom for over 10 years and I love my weekly visits with the kids. I get to help with their therapy and support the staff in therapeutic playroom programs. The kids are a pleasure to be around, the staff are wonderful.
It’s amazing to see how the kids respond to the therapeutic play programs. I have seen kids who we didn’t think would ever walk, take steps. They would not have been able to do this without the kind of play therapy. I am glad to be a part of something so wonderful. Working alongside, so many knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and kind people makes it even better.
In my daily life, I run a restaurant, find time for my family and grandkids and to visit the kids at Holland Bloorview. I do this because I can and it’s important to me to offer a helping hand to those who need it.
—Louise Ferrari, therapeutic playroom volunteer for 10 years
At Holland Bloorview, our families and clients benefit greatly from having dedicated volunteers. We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers, including our family, youth and child leaders past and present that make a difference in the lives of the children we serve.