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Video games: A new therapeutic frontier for cerebral palsy

On February 4, 2016, BRI scientist Elaine Biddiss and senior clinician scientist Darcy Fehlings were featured alongside family leader Cheryl Peters and her daughters to highlight a new wave of virtual reality therapy games and what that means for families.

..."Elaine Biddiss, an engineering scientist at Bloorview, started to look at how interactive video games could be used to accomplish rehabilitation goals. Her games use existing motion-tracking video game technology, such as the Microsoft Kinect, to game-ify physical therapy. For example, in one of the games – Bootle Band, which was inspired by the popular game Rock Band – Jillian is required to use her weaker arm to shake a lemon-shaped maraca at specific intervals and at different intensities to defeat the “Rust Monster” bad guy. This task has her practising her grip, range of movement and arm strength."

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