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Leticia Ribeiro
Ph.D. candidate
Leticia Ribeirois a Ph.D. student working under the supervision of Dr. Deryk Beal inthe CONNECT Lab and in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology atthe University of Toronto. Leticia has a multidisciplinary backgroundwith a B.S. degree in Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology atUniversity of Sao Paulo (USP), a specialization degree in Occupational& Environmental Health also at USP, and MSc degree in Engineering ofInformation Technology at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). Duringher undergraduate studies, she was involved in research projects whichexplored communication disorder and technology, and her Master’sdissertation work investigated, based on EEG approach, Auditory EvokedPotentials in musicians with and without absolute pitch; having thoseprojects been awarded a state and a federal government scholarship.
Leticia'sresearch aims to investigate the receptive and expressive languageskills in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder through globalmeasures of language, exploring a possible association betweenbehavioral and neuroimaging findings. Her research is supported by CNPq –Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico, of theMinistry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil.